Saturday, September 20, 2014

Are You Prepared? Here's 10 Helpful Hints!

It's National Preparedness Month!
Are You Prepared?

Trying to be prepared can seem overwhelming!!! But it's really not that hard if you follow a few simple steps. Remember that "A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." (Lao-Tzu) Here are those first steps to take and some helpful hints for your preparedness journey! 

1. WATER!! - Water storage is the first step, and it's quite easy to do and can be done on a budget or with basically no budget! Read this article about Water Storage.

2. 72 Hour Kit - Everyone should have a 72 Hour Kit, even if it's a really simple one. Read this article for some ideas on 72 Hour Kits.

3. 3 Month Supply of Groceries - The counsel is to have a 3 month supply of groceries that you are accustomed to eating day to day. Here's some great advice on how to build your supply inexpensively and easily. 3 Month Supply

4. The "Overwhelming" Year Supply - This is the part that people think they just can't do...that it's too much to ever obtain. Bu I can promise that it's possible! Take one step...even if it's a baby step, and you will eventually get there! Read this article on What Should I Store?

5. Don't Wait Until It's Too Late - It's so much better to "prepare and prevent than to repair and repent!" Please make sure you prepare yourself so you don't go through what happened to me! Read "My Food Storage Story - The Experience That Woke Me Up"

6. Walton Feed Order - There are many ways to obtain food storage, and here is a fabulous one! This is a food storage co-op that is done twice a year and has deliveries all over the east coast, Texas, Utah, Idaho (and wherever else a group forms.) Walton Feed gives us a discount off their prices and we get a good deal on truck shipping. Please contact me at if you want more information. Check out out our Walton Feed Group Order Facebook page. 

7. Thrive Life Foods - I LOVE this company! They have the best freeze dried fruits, vegetables, meats and cheese, and other food storage items. But they are so good that you don't have to just save them for emergencies! You can use them in your everyday recipes! Thrive has fabulous resources that teach you how to use your food storage in your every day cooking, which saves you money and time, AND it's healthy and delicious! Gets shipped right to your door! Click here to learn more about Thrive Life! Or feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to have you join one of my Facebook classes or answer any questions you have! 

8. Learn How To Cook With It! 
Here's a way to prepare some Meals in a JarYou will love this! Just click that link and scroll through the 4 blog posts that are there with different recipes! 

9. Need Gluten Free? - Walton Feed and Thrive both offer excellent Gluten free products.

Walton Feed's Gluten Free Products

These can be added to the trucking orders we do with Walton Feed twice a year, or contact me for a discount on a UPS order.

Thrive has a lot of naturally gluten free products, because most of them contain just one ingredient. Thrive Life

10. Want to Taste Something Amazing? - This is such a yummy way to introduce food storage to your family. Add a little whole wheat flour, use powdered eggs and powdered milk when making these and your family will LOVE food storage! Cinnamon Roll Tutorial

Please contact me and I will be happy to help answer any question you have. 

You can reach me best by email, or feel free to text for quick questions. 

Melissa Coombs

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